Personal Declaration

I confess that I am filled with Faith and not fear, and that I am Excited to live in these last days. God has chosen for me to live in some of the most challenging days the world has ever seen, but I will face these times Victoriously. He has given me a sound Mind, the promises of His word, and the leadership of His Spirit. Therefore I Will NOT retreat in fear or panic; instead, I am believing to be a part of the mightiest harvest of souls that history has ever seen.

I Boldly confess that I am filled with Faith, Courage, and Confidence. I am able to face and overcome every situation in life. For I walk in the promises of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. I refuse to let fear rule me, and I choose to believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With God’s power working in me, I am more than enough for every challenge that will ever come against me.

I Declare This By Faith In Jesus’ Name

Set Aside Time To Plug-In!

As we have entered the first week of 2016, make it your determined purpose to set aside time for the Lord! Resist being caught up in the routine and distractions of daily life. Just like your computer, tablet, or cell phone needs to be charged for continual usage; so your body, soul and spirit desperately… Continue Reading

I Am Going To Bend Your Bow

Today the Lord spoke to my heart, and said, “I am going to bend your bow!” I thought to myself, “bend my bow?” I went to my computer and looked up several scriptures regarding bending bows and the use of bows. The Lord loves to speak in pictures and parables to illustrate truths to us,… Continue Reading

The Art of Seeing Vision

Walt Disney was no longer alive, when Disney World opened. During the opening ceremony someone leaned over to Walt’s wife saying, “It is a shame that Walt couldn’t be here to see this happen.” His wife answered somewhat disdainfully, “He did see it, or else you wouldn’t be able to be here today!” Practicing the… Continue Reading

2015: A Year of Revealing Hidden Things

As 2014 began to draw to a close, I heard The Lord speaking to my spirit that 2015 is going to be a Year of Revealing, hidden things are going to be made known. I sense that it is a time of things being brought to the light. Luke 8:17 says, “For nothing is secret… Continue Reading