The Art of Seeing Vision

Walt Disney was no longer alive, when Disney World opened. During the opening ceremony someone leaned over to Walt’s wife saying, “It is a shame that Walt couldn’t be here to see this happen.” His wife answered somewhat disdainfully, “He did see it, or else you wouldn’t be able to be here today!” Practicing the art of seeing vision is not a momentary passing experience but a lifespan spent interacting with the unseen realm, pulling into the reality of others that which God means for someone here to experience. I have been particularly struck of late, by the Hall of Faith passage in Hebrews 11 which closes with a remarkable statement: These, though commended by God for their great faith, did not receive what was promised. That promise has awaited us, who receive the better thing that God has provided in these last days, so that with us, our forebears might finally see the promise completed. (Hebrews 11:39-40; The Voice)

The Lord asked me recently, if I would be willing to see and declare those things which belong to other generations. I of course, said yes. But then my mind reasoned that this meant that I would not have the privilege of seeing these things for myself. Would I leave the earth with the promise birthed from my spiritual womb, declared upon the earth but unrealized in my lifetime? At first I was not too thrilled about that. But recently I have been positioned to receive the very same types of promises from a generation who blazed trails before me. God opened my eyes to see the wonder of being handed a mantle worn by others. What a tremendous gift and responsibility!

So, I am willing to leave words hanging in the atmosphere of this region, waiting to perform on behalf of those not yet here. I am willing to perform the will of God completely, that others might benefit from my obedience. But I love this quote by Walt Disney because it validates the experiences I have in the process of developing the art of seeing what God sees. I may not walk through all the halls of the grand sweeping structures nor drive upon the new roadways I see across the cityscape of Syracuse from this window at Destiny USA. Yet the more I peer into them, the more I see right now. What a beautiful city, is this City of Salt! Her future is bright. Our sons and daughters will inherit great sweeping promises which will be grand to inhabit.

Their prosperity will be told of in other nations. The solutions they discover will bring healing to this nation and to others. And I will have played a significant role in the ever increasing history of the infamous Hall of Faith. God is still looking for those who will leave a legacy of faith upon the earth. Will you be one of those?

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